Chery Amulet since 2006
1. Car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
3.1. The engine is not got
3.2. Malfunctions of system of injection of fuel
3.3. Idling was gone
3.4. Interruptions in operation of the engine
3.5. Diagnostics of a condition of the engine on appearance of spark plugs
3.6. The car moves breakthroughs
3.7. The car is badly dispersed
3.8. The engine decayed during movement
3.9. Pressure of oil fell
3.10. Engine overheat
3.11. The storage battery is not recharged
3.12. Engine start-up from external sources of a current
3.13. Malfunctions of electric equipment
3.14. There were extraneous knocks
3.15. Problems with brakes
3.16. Wheel puncture
4. Maintenance
5. Engine
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Electric equipment schemes



3.13. Malfunctions of electric equipment

More often at daily operation of the car malfunctions of electric equipment meet. For the objective reasons electric equipment repair qualified specialists of car-care center preferably should carry out.

Malfunction can lead electric equipments (short circuit) to ignition of electroconducting and a fire.

If any chain of electric equipment failed, first of all check, whether fused a safety lock protecting it, being guided by tab. 10.1-10.5 (see. «Assembly blocks of safety locks and relay»). A faulty safety lock replace. The repeated peregoraniye of the same safety lock serves as a signal for immediate repair of the corresponding chain of electric equipment.

It is strictly forbidden to replace fused safety lock with another, bigger face value, or "bug".

To facilitate search of malfunctions, get the scheme of electric equipment of your car.

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3.12. Engine start-up from external sources of a current
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3.14. There were extraneous knocks