Chery Amulet since 2006
1. Car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
3.1. The engine is not got
3.2. Malfunctions of system of injection of fuel
3.3. Idling was gone
3.4. Interruptions in operation of the engine
3.5. Diagnostics of a condition of the engine on appearance of spark plugs
3.6. The car moves breakthroughs
3.6.1. Breakthrough at the moment of a start of motion
3.6.2. Breakthroughs at dispersal
3.6.3. Breakthroughs at the established movement
3.7. The car is badly dispersed
3.8. The engine decayed during movement
3.9. Pressure of oil fell
3.10. Engine overheat
3.11. The storage battery is not recharged
3.12. Engine start-up from external sources of a current
3.13. Malfunctions of electric equipment
3.14. There were extraneous knocks
3.15. Problems with brakes
3.16. Wheel puncture
4. Maintenance
5. Engine
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Electric equipment schemes



3.6. The car moves breakthroughs

With reference to the car breakthrough — this short-term spontaneous change of frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine irrespective of the provision of a pedal of "gas". In daily operation series of breakthroughs, as a rule, take place. A limiting case of breakthrough — a failure — notable delay of response of the engine on pressing of a pedal of an accelerator.
It is conditionally possible to allocate three types of breakthroughs:
– at the moment of a start of motion;
– at dispersal;
– at the established movement, i.e. at the continuous provision of a pedal of "gas".
For definition of the reasons of breakthroughs at car movement with the injector engine the special diagnostic equipment therefore we recommend to address in the car-care center specializing on repair of systems of injection of fuel is required. However, as practice shows, in most cases breakthroughs happen are caused by insufficient pressure of fuel in a fuel stage or malfunction of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve.
In the presence of some skills it is possible to define the reason of breakthroughs independently.

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3.5. Diagnostics of a condition of the engine on appearance of spark plugs
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3.6.1. Breakthrough at the moment of a start of motion