9.6.1. Replacement of the vacuum amplifier of brakesIt be required to you: a key «on 13», a face head «on 15», пассатижи, a screw-driver with a flat edge.
1. Having hooked a screw-driver a tip of a vacuum hose, take it from the sealing plug of an opening in the case of the amplifier.
Good advice
In the presence of sufficient skills the main brake cylinder can be not removed completely, it is enough to disconnect of it from the amplifier of brakes and to take away forward, without disconnecting from it pipelines.
3. In salon under the dashboard, having hooked a screw-driver a clamp...
4.... remove a locking bracket...
5.... also take out a finger from an opening of a fork of a pusher and a brake pedal.
6. Unscrew three nuts of fastening of the vacuum amplifier of brakes to a front board...
7.... also remove the vacuum amplifier of brakes.
8. Establish the vacuum amplifier and all removed details as it should be, the return to removal.