Chery Amulet since 2006
1. Car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance
5. Engine
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
8.1. Features of a design
8.2. Possible malfunctions of a steering with the hydraulic booster, their reasons and ways of elimination
8.3. Steering column
8.3.1. Removal and installation of a steering wheel
8.3.2. Removal and installation of a casing of a steering column
8.3.3. Removal and installation of a steering column
8.3.4. Replacement of a shaft of a steering and intermediate shaft
8.4. Steering drafts
8.5. Steering mechanism
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Electric equipment schemes



8.3.4. Replacement of a shaft of a steering and intermediate shaft

Steering column — one of the most important elements of safety of traffic therefore replace the shaft of a steering established in a steering column in the presence of the following defects:
– deformation or damage of an intermediate shaft, люфт in kardanny hinges, and also damage of its klemmovy connections with shaft of a steering and shaft gear wheel of the steering mechanism;
– deformation or damage of a shaft of a steering, damage of shliyets of connection of a shaft with a nave of a steering wheel and with intermediate shaft.
You will need two keys «on 13».
1. Remove from the car a steering column together with intermediate shaft (see. «Removal and installation of a steering column»).
2. Unscrew a nut of a bolt of klemmovy connection of intermediate and steering shaft, take a bolt from an eye of the kardanny hinge...
3.... also disconnect an intermediate shaft from a steering column.
4. Remove from a steering shaft a rasporny spring...
5.... also take a shaft from a pipe of a steering column.

In case of damage of arms of a steering column or the mechanism of adjustment of its situation replace a pipe of a steering column or a column assembled. Welding works for elimination of damages of a pipe of a steering column are forbidden.

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8.3.3. Removal and installation of a steering column
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8.4. Steering drafts