Chery Amulet since 2006
1. Car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance
5. Engine
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
8.1. Features of a design
8.2. Possible malfunctions of a steering with the hydraulic booster, their reasons and ways of elimination
8.3. Steering column
8.3.1. Removal and installation of a steering wheel
8.3.2. Removal and installation of a casing of a steering column
8.3.3. Removal and installation of a steering column
8.3.4. Replacement of a shaft of a steering and intermediate shaft
8.4. Steering drafts
8.5. Steering mechanism
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Electric equipment schemes



8.3.3. Removal and installation of a steering column

The steering column can be removed assembled with the switch of ignition or without it (depending on the purpose of removal of a steering column). In this subsection removal of a steering column with removal of the switch of ignition is described.

It be required to you: keys «on 10», «on 13», screw-drivers with flat and crosswise edges.
1. Disconnect a wire from the minus plug of the storage battery.
2. In a motor compartment raise a protective cover of an intermediate shaft...
3.... also turn out a bolt of klemmovy connection of an intermediate shaft with shaft gear wheel of the steering mechanism.
4. In salon of the car remove a steering wheel (see. «Removal and installation of a steering wheel»), previously having established it in the situation corresponding to rectilinear movement.
5. Remove a casing of a steering column (see. «Removal and installation of casings of a steering column»).
6. Remove a contact ring of a safety cushion and the switch of a sound signal (see. «Replacement of podrulevy switches»).
7. Remove podrulevy switches assembled with a connector (see. «Replacement of podrulevy switches»).
8. Remove the switch (lock) of ignition (see. «Removal and installation of the switch (lock) of ignition»).
9. Remove a combination of devices (see. «Removal and installation of a combination of devices»).
11. Turn out three screws of the top fastening of a noise isolation of a board of a front.
12. Hook a screw-driver...
13.... also take a percussion cap of the bottom fastening of a noise isolation...
14.... also remove it.
15. Unbend a first line of a rug of a floor and unscrew three nuts of fastening to a board of a front of the bottom arm of a steering column...
16.... turn out on two bolts bottom...
17.... and top fastenings of the top arm...
18.... also remove a steering column from the car, taking in salon through a sealant in a front board an intermediate shaft of a steering.
19. Establish details as it should be, the return to removal.

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8.3.2. Removal and installation of a casing of a steering column
following page»
8.3.4. Replacement of a shaft of a steering and intermediate shaft