6.2.5. Dismantling and assembly of a transmission and defektovka of its detailsIt be required to you: keys «on 10», «on 13», «on 22», «on 24», «on 27», a key-shestigrannik «on 5», a key of TORX M12, a screw-driver with a flat edge (2 pieces), a stripper of lock rings, a universal stripper, a hammer, opravka for a press fitting of bearings and epiploons.
2. Weaken an inhaling of the switch of light of a backing...
3.... also turn out it from a transmission case.
4. Turn out a bolt of fastening of the sensor of speed...
5.... also take it from an opening of a case of a transmission.
6. Unscrew a nut of fastening of the lever of the mechanism of gear shifting...
7.... also remove the lever from a rod of a lead of the mechanism.
8. Unfasten a screw-driver a clamp of the hinge of intermediate draft...
9.... also remove draft from a spherical finger of the lever.
10. Remove from a lever finger a rubber dempfiruyushchy washer. Strongly pressed out or hardened washer replace.
11. Remove a protective cover of a rod of a lead of the mechanism of gear shifting.
12. Hook a screw-driver edge of a cap of a back cover...
13.... also remove a cap.
14. Hook a screw-driver edge of the buffer of the lever of switching off of coupling...
15.... also remove the buffer from the lever.
16. Take away the lever of switching off of coupling down and take the bearing...
17.... and rod of switching off of coupling.
18. Turn out six bolts of fastening of a back cover to a transmission case...
19.... also uncover.
I will corrode a cover and a case it is condensed with paronitovy laying. Strongly pressed out or torn laying replace, at its absence establish a cover on hermetic.
20. Weaken an inhaling of the carving plug of fastening of a nave of the synchronizer V of transfer...
21.... also turn out the plug from primary shaft together with the persistent washer established on it.
22. Weaken an inhaling of an emphasis of inclusion of transfer of a backing...
23.... also turn out an emphasis from a transmission case.
24. Weaken an inhaling of a cover of the mechanism of gear shifting...
For an otvorachivaniye of a cover of the mechanism of gear shifting the special key-shestigrannik «on 27» is required. However at its absence it is possible to enclose in an internal shestigrannik of a cover a high nut «on 27» and, having put on it a cap key, to turn out a cover (see a photo to item 24).
25.... also turn out a cover from a transmission case.
26. Take from a transmission case a press spring of a lead of the mechanism of gear shifting...
27.... and lead.
28. Shift from shliyets of the carving plug of a fork of inclusion of the V transfer a lock plate of a fork, having hooked it two screw-drivers, as is shown in a photo.
29. Holding a lock plate, rotate the carving plug clockwise if to look at the plug from above. Thus the fork of inclusion of the V transfer will rise on the plug to a full descent from it.
30. Remove from a rod a fork of inclusion of the V transfer together with the synchronizer, a leading gear wheel of the V transfer and a lock plate.
31. Dissolve the ends of a lock ring of a conducted gear wheel of the V transfer...
32.... also remove a ring from a shaft of a secondary shaft.
33. Press a conducted gear wheel of the V transfer from shliyets of a secondary shaft...
34.... also remove it.
35. Hook a cap in a semi-axis a screw-driver...
36.... also take it from a semi-axis nest.
37. Dissolve the ends of a lock ring...
38.... also remove from a shaft of a semi-axial gear wheel a ring...
39.... and remote washer.
40. Press and remove a semi-axis from a shaft of a semi-axial gear wheel.
The semi-axis is established on shlitsa of a shaft of a semi-axial gear wheel with a considerable tightness. At impossibility of its spressovka make-shifts use a universal stripper, differently it is possible to damage differential bearings.
41. Similarly remove the second semi-axis.
42. Turn out four bolts of a plate of fastening of the back bearing of primary shaft.
43. Turn out fourteen bolts of fastening of a case of coupling to a transmission case...
Two bolts shown on a photo by dotted shooters, are not visible, as are closed by inflow of a case of the mechanism of gear shifting.
44.... and bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing.
The bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing is so located on a transmission case.
45. Remove a transmission case.
Primary and secondary shaft, and also forks, leads and rod of the mechanism of gear shifting remain on a coupling case.
Interfaced surfaces of cases of a transmission and coupling are condensed with paronitovy laying. At assembly of a transmission establish new laying of factory manufacturing as at installation of laying of other thickness or at connection assembly on hermetic the preliminary tightness of bearings of differential will be broken.
46. Remove from a shaft of primary shaft the back bearing...
47.... and plate of its fastening.
48. Holding gear shifting forks, take a rod of forks...
49.... also remove leads of a fork of inclusion of the V transfer...
50.... and forks of inclusion of I, II, III and IV transfers...
51.... forks of inclusion of I and II...
52.... and III and IV transfers.
53. Raise an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing, overcoming resistance of a fixing spring of a fork...
54.... and, having deduced a gear wheel from gearing with a fork, remove an axis together with a gear wheel.
55. Dissolve the ends of a lock ring of a conducted gear wheel of the IV transfer...
56.... also remove a ring from a shaft.
57. Press a conducted gear wheel of the IV transfer from shliyets of a secondary shaft...
58.... also remove it.
59. Take a neck of primary shaft from the bearing in a case of coupling and remove a shaft.
60. Turn out bolts of fastening of arms of a fork of inclusion of transfer of a backing...
61.... also remove arms 1 and 4, a fork 2 and its fixing spring 3.
62. Dissolve the ends of a lock ring of a conducted gear wheel of the III transfer...
63.... also remove from a secondary shaft a ring...
64.... conducted gear wheels of the III transfer...
65.... and II transfers.
66. Accurately dissolve a separator of the needle bearing of a conducted gear wheel of the II transfer...
67.... also remove from a secondary shaft the bearing...
68.... and rasporny plug.
69. Remove from shliyets of a secondary shaft the coupling of the synchronizer I and II of transfers together with blocking rings of the II transfer.
70. Remove from a conducted gear wheel of the I transfer blocking ring...
71.... and a gear wheel of the I transfer — from the bearing on secondary to a shaft.
72. Remove from a secondary shaft the needle bearing of a conducted gear wheel of the I transfer...
73.... and a fixing ring of the bearing.
74. Turn out four bolts of fastening to a case of coupling of the holder of an external ring of the average bearing of a secondary shaft...
75.... remove the holder...
76.... take from a coupling case a shaft of a secondary shaft and remove a shaft assembled with forward and average bearings.
77. Take from a coupling case differential assembled.
78. Before survey and a defektovka carefully wash out and dry transmission details.
79. Examine a transmission case...
80.... case of coupling and back cover. On them should not be having chopped off. On privalochny surfaces there should not be забоин, рисок, dents, etc. Small damages remove with a fine-grained emery paper. At strong damages replace defective details.
81. Check a condition of a rod of forks of inclusion of transfers. If it will bend or on a rod there were teases and agnails, replace a rod.
82. Check a condition of leads of forks of inclusion of transfers. If they погнуты or on their working surfaces appeared teases and agnails, replace leads.
83. Check a condition of forks of gear shifting. If forks погнуты or are worn-out pads, replace these details.
84. Check a condition of a carving of the case of an emphasis of inclusion of transfer of a backing and ease of moving of its ball (it is shown by an arrow). At damage of a carving or jamming of a ball replace an emphasis.
85. Examine a lead of the mechanism of gear shifting. If on a rod of a lead there are agnails or teases, the carving or shlitsa of a rod is damaged, and pads of the carriage of a lead are deformed or worn-out, disassemble a lead for replacement of the damaged details (see. «Repair of the mechanism of gear shifting»).
86. At detection in use through epiploons and at wear of working edges it is necessary for oil leak to replace epiploons. For replacement of an epiploon of the semi-axis established in a case of a transmission, take an epiploon a screw-driver...
87.... grease a new epiploon with transmission oil and press it a working edge in a case, using an opravka of the suitable size.
88. Similarly replace the second epiploon of a semi-axis...
89.... epiploon of primary shaft...
90.... and epiploon of a rod of a lead of the mechanism of gear shifting.
91. Check a condition of bearings. At detection of sinks on racetracks and bodies of a kacheniye, traces of cave-in of bodies of a kacheniye on racetracks or in case of damage of separators it is necessary to replace bearings.
92. For replacement of the back bearing of primary shaft выпрессуйте it from a transmission case...
93.... also press the new bearing, putting effort to its external ring.
94. Similarly replace the forward bearing of primary shaft.
95. If replaced differential bearings, surely replace their external rings established in nests of cases of a transmission and coupling, впрессовав their universal stripper and having accurately pressed new rings through an opravka from soft metal.
96. Check smoothness of rotation of the back bearing of a secondary shaft and density of its landing in a nest of a back cover. When jamming the bearing or a perekatyvaniya of balls, and also when landing in a nest with a gap replace the bearing. If the new bearing has landing with a gap, replace a back cover.
97. After a vypressovka of bearings (or their external rings) from cases of a transmission and coupling check seats under bearings. On these surfaces there should not be wear tracks or damage. If there are damages, replace cases.
98. Examine average and forward bearings of a secondary shaft. When jamming bearings or a perekatyvaniya of rollers replace bearings (see. «Repair of a secondary shaft»).
If replaced forward and average bearings of a secondary shaft, surely replace their external rings established in nests of a case of coupling and the holder of an external ring of the average bearing, how it did for differential bearings (see item 95).
99. Needle bearings of gear wheels of brasletny type replace new irrespective of their condition.
Collect a transmission in sequence, return dismantling, taking into account the following.
1. Before installation grease all details with fresh transmission oil.
2. Before installation of a back cover establish the back bearing of a secondary shaft in a cover nest...
3.... impose on it a plate...
4.... also fix a plate on a cover bolts.
5. At installation of a back cover on a transmission case if sealing laying is damaged or is absent, put on all perimeter of a flange of a case of a box the roller of silicone hermetic.
6. At installation of a blocking ring of the synchronizer on a cone of the corresponding gear wheel the gap between end faces of a ring and a gear wreath of a gear wheel should be not less than 1 mm. Otherwise it is necessary to replace blocking ring.