10.20.2. Replacement of the switch of a backing
The switch of light of a backing is established in the top part of a case of a transmission.
You will need a key «on 22».
1. Disconnect a wire from the minus plug of the storage battery.
2. Compress a clamp of a block of a plait of wires...
3.... also disconnect a block from the sensor socket.
4. Weaken an inhaling of the switch of light of a backing...
5.... and, having turned out the switch, remove it from the car.
6. Remove a copper sealing ring. Strongly pressed out ring replace new.
7. Execute check of serviceability of the switch. Connect to its conclusions щупы a tester included in the pro-calls mode of chains. Press on a plunzher of the switch – the tester should give a sound signal. If it does not occur, the switch is faulty.
8. Establish details as it should be, the return to removal.