Chery Amulet since 2006
1. Car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance
5. Engine
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
10.1. Features of a design
10.2. Diagnostics of malfunctions of electric equipment
10.3. Assembly blocks
10.4. Storage battery
10.5. Generator
10.6. Starter
10.6.1. Features of a design
10.6.2. Possible malfunctions of a starter, their reason and ways of elimination
10.6.3. Removal and starter installation
10.6.4. Starter repair
10.7. Switch (lock) of ignition
10.8. Electronic control system of the engine (ESUD)
10.9. Ignition system
10.10. Lighting, light and sound alarm system
10.11. Windscreen cleaner
10.12. Windscreen washer
10.13. Electrofans of system of cooling of the engine
10.14. Electric motor of the fan of system of heating (conditioning) and salon ventilation
10.15. Heating system of back glass
10.16. Removal and installation of the boss of the lighter
10.17. Combination of devices
10.18. Replacement of switches of the dashboard
10.19. Automobile audiosystem
10.20. Replacement of sensors and switches
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Electric equipment schemes



10.6.1. Features of a design

The starter of the Chery Amulet car represents the two-port chetyrekhshchetochny electric motor of a direct current with excitement from the constant magnets, combined with a planetary reducer and the electromagnetic dvukhobmotochny traction relay.

Fig. 10.7. Starter details: 1–the screw of fastening of the traction relay to a forward cover; 2–washers; 3–forward cover; 4–lock ring of the coupling of a drive; 5–persistent ring of the coupling of a drive; 6–drive coupling; 7–drive lever; 8–anchor of the traction relay; 9–returnable spring; 10-traction relay; 11-overlay of a support of the lever of a drive; 12-damper of a support of the lever of a drive; 13-the screw of fastening of a back cover from a collector; 14-coupling bolt; 15-satellite; 16-back cover; 17-drive shaft; 18-shchetochny knot; 19-solar gear wheel; 20-rotor; 21-stator; 22-sealing ring of a planetary reducer

Covers 3 both 16 (fig. 10.7) and the case of a stator 21 are pulled together with two bolts 14. In the case of a stator constant magnets are fixed. Rotation from a rotor of the 20th electric motor is transferred to a shaft of the 17th drive through the planetary reducer consisting of a solar gear wheel 19, drove, made for a single whole with shaft of the 17th drive, and three satellites 15. On a shaft of a drive the roller coupling 6 of a free wheeling is established.
Shaft of a drive and rotor rotate in two ceramic-metal plugs of the bearings pressed in covers 3 and 16.
On a cover 3 the traction relay 10, an anchor 8 which via the lever 7 moves the drive coupling 6 is fixed. At key turn in the switch (lock) of ignition in situation "III" (starter) tension from the storage battery moves on involving and holding windings of the traction relay 10, an anchor 8 traction relays the lever 7 of a drive and a gear wheel of the coupling 6 of a drive of a starter moves enters into gearing with a gear wreath of a flywheel of the engine. At the same time the anchor of the traction relay closes power contacts (during this moment the involving winding is switched off) – on the electric motor of a starter tension from the storage battery moves. The rotor of the 20th starter through a planetary reducer turns a cranked shaft of the engine. After engine start-up when frequency of rotation of a gear wheel exceeds frequency of rotation of a shaft of a starter, the coupling of a free wheeling will be unblocked and revolves, thereby protecting a starter from high frequency of rotation and damages.

Technical characteristics of a starter
Rated power, kW..... 1,2
Rated voltage, In..... 12

Starter operating mode short-term, its duration to 10 pages. At negative temperature duration of work to 15 pages is allowed. The starter eats from the storage battery in capacity 60 And · h. He treats restored, served products.

Good advice
To avoid many malfunctions of a starter, observe a number of simple rules at its operation:
– at start-up of the engine include a starter no more than on 10-15 with and repeatedly – through 20–30 pages. Continuous long work of a starter can lead to its overheat. If after three attempts the engine is not started up, it is necessary to check and eliminate malfunctions in a power supply system of the engine or in ignition system;
– after engine start-up immediately switch off a starter as long rotation of a gear wheel of a drive by a flywheel can lead to damage of the coupling of a free wheeling of a starter;
– do not move the car by means of a starter as it causes its considerable overload and damage.

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10.6. Starter
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10.6.2. Possible malfunctions of a starter, their reason and ways of elimination