Chery Amulet since 2006
1. Car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance
5. Engine
5.1. Features of a design
5.2. Possible malfunctions of the engine, their reason and ways of elimination
5.3. Compression check in cylinders
5.4. Removal and installation of protection of a case of the engine
5.5. Replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
5.6. Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision VMT of a step of compression
5.7. Removal, defektovka and flywheel installation
5.8. Replacement of details of consolidation of the engine
5.9. Head of the block of cylinders
5.10. Removal and engine installation
5.11. Engine repair
5.11.1. Engine dismantling
5.11.2. Defektovka of engine details
5.11.3. Engine assembly
5.12. Greasing system
5.13. Cooling system
5.14. Power supply system
5.15. Catching system паров fuels
5.16. Cистема of production of the fulfilled gases
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Electric equipment schemes



5.11.3. Engine assembly

It be required to you: a dinamometrichesky key, a hammer (it is desirable with brisk of soft metal or polyurethane), the adaptation for installation of pistons in cylinders, the same keys, as for engine dismantling, a screw-driver, an assembly shovel.
1. Insert a rod into the piston, grease a piston finger with engine oil and press it in a rod on the same adaptation, on which finger выпрессовывали, or by means of a hammer and the suitable opravka inserted into an internal opening of a finger. The piston should nestle a lug on the top head of a rod in the direction of a press fitting of a finger that will allow it to occupy the correct situation.

Finger insert into the top head of a rod with a tightness therefore for simplification of assembly and preservation of its landing it is recommended to heat up rods, having placed them the top heads on
15 mines in the electric furnace heated up to 240 °C. The temperature of heating of a rod can be checked by means of a termokhromny pencil. For the correct connection of a finger with a rod press a finger as soon as possible as after its cooling position of a finger cannot be changed already.

2. Establish piston rings as it should be, the return to removal.

At installation do not unclench a ring more than it is necessary not to deform or to break them.

The marking «М1» or "Sq.m" on kompressionny rings should be directed up.

Fig. 5.9. An arrangement of locks of piston rings before piston installation in the cylinder: 1–dilator of a maslosjemny ring and top kompressionny ring; 2–top ring of a compound maslosjemny ring; 3–bottom kompressionny ring; 4–bottom ring of a compound maslosjemny ring

3. Soriyentiruyte of a ring, as is shown in fig. 5.9. Establish rings on other pistons.
4. Lay in a bed of the block of cylinders the top loose leaves of radical bearings.

Loose leaves establish so that the adjusting short mustache of the loose leaf was combined with dredging on a bed.

5. Grease loose leaves with engine oil.
6. Establish persistent half rings in an average support of a bed of a cranked shaft.
7. Establish a cranked shaft in the block of cylinders.
8. Lay in covers of radical bearings the bottom loose leaves, having combined short moustaches of loose leaves with dredging on covers.

The top and bottom loose leaves of radical bearings can differ on an opening arrangement for an oil supply. Loose leaves establish so that these openings coincided with openings of channels for an oil supply in beds of support of radical bearings. After installation of loose leaves in nests their ends come out a little, therefore for the correct orientation of loose leaves at a final inhaling of bolts of fastening of covers of bearings track, that the vystupaniye of both ends was identical.

9. Grease with engine oil radical necks of a cranked shaft.
10. Grease with engine oil loose leaves in covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft.
11. Establish covers of radical bearings according to serial numbers, сориентировав on labels.

For installation of covers of bearings of a cranked shaft use a hammer with soft brisk, made of brass, lead or polyurethane. To establish covers an inhaling of fixing details it is forbidden, as landing surfaces of covers and the block of cylinders in this case will be damaged.

12. Establish bolts of covers and evenly tighten the moment specified in the appendix 1.

Bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings surely replace new.

13. Check correctness of assembly, having turned a cranked shaft a hand on some turns. The shaft should rotate freely and smoothly.
14. Establish loose leaves in rods, having combined an adjusting short mustache of the loose leaf with dredging on a rod.
15. Grease with engine oil of a mirror of cylinders, pistons, piston rings and shatunny loose leaves.
16. Establish on the piston the adaptation for compression of rings and, wrapping the screw, compress rings.
17. Turn a cranked shaft so that his shatunny neck on which mount shatunno-piston group, was established in VMT. Establish the piston in the cylinder according to marking of number of the cylinder on a rod, press (for example, the hammer handle) the piston and shift it from an opravka in the cylinder. Similarly establish pistons in other cylinders.

At installation of pistons into cylinders of the shooter on the piston it should be turned to a forward part of the engine.

Establish the piston in the cylinder carefully not to injure the bottom head of a rod a shatunny neck of a cranked shaft.

18. Establish shatunny loose leaves in covers of rods, having combined an adjusting short mustache of the loose leaf with dredging on a cover.
19. Grease with engine oil shatunny loose leaves in covers of rods and shatunny necks of a cranked shaft.
20. Establish a rod cover, having connected a rod to a neck of a cranked shaft and having combined labels on a rod and a cover.
21. Screw shatunny bolts, without tightening them it is final.
22. Tighten shatunny bolts the moment specified in the appendix 1.
23. Check ease of moving of a rod along a shatunny neck. When jamming unscrew shatunny bolts and repeatedly tighten them the nominal moment.
24. Check a lateral gap of a rod, it should be 0,070–0,242 mm. The increased gap indicates excessive wear of cheeks of cranks of a cranked shaft. In this case replace a cranked shaft.
25. Similarly fix covers of other rods.
26. Check an axial gap of a cranked shaft, it should be 0,092–0,303 mm. The increased gap indicates wear of basic half rings of a cranked shaft or a bed of the average radical bearing (tab. 5.13). In this case replace a cranked shaft. If it does not lead to reduction of an axial gap, it is necessary to replace the block of cylinders.

Table 5.13 Nominal and repair sizes of an average support of a cranked shaft and basic half rings

27. Establish a back epiploon of a cranked shaft (see. «Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft»).
28. Establish the oil pump (see. «Removal and installation of the oil pump»).
29. Establish an oil case (see. «Replacement of consolidation of an oil case»).
30. Further the engine collect as it should be, the return to dismantling. Installation of a head of the block of cylinders is described in subsection «Replacement of laying of a head of the block of cylinders», the water pump — in subsection «Replacement of the water pump», a belt of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism — in subsection «Replacement of a belt of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism and its tension roller».

Good advice
After assembly of the engine it is recommended to carry out its running in at the stand. As out of the special repair organizations to make it it is impossible, after engine installation on the car roll it on the simplified cycle in the following order.
1. Be convinced of correctness of adjustment of a drive of a butterfly valve, fill in oil and cooling liquid, check tightness of all connections.
2. Start up the engine and let's to it work without loading on the following cycle.
Do not lead up operation of the engine to the maximum modes.
3. In operating time check tightness of the engine and its systems, pressure of oil, pay attention to existence of extraneous noise.
4. If extraneous noise or other malfunctions are found, stop the engine and eliminate their reason.
5. Having begun car operation, observe the modes provided for the period of a running in of the new car.

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5.11.2. Defektovka of engine details
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5.12. Greasing system