Chery Amulet since 2006
1. Car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. Maintenance
5. Engine
6. Transmission
7. Running gear
8. Steering
9. Brake system
10. Electric equipment
10.1. Features of a design
10.2. Diagnostics of malfunctions of electric equipment
10.3. Assembly blocks
10.4. Storage battery
10.4.1. Features of a design
10.4.2. Malfunctions of the storage battery, their reason and ways of elimination
10.4.3. Care of the storage battery
10.4.4. Check of level of electrolit in the storage battery
10.4.5. Check of degree of a zaryazhennost of the storage battery
10.4.6. Removal and installation of the storage battery
10.4.7. Charging of the storage battery
10.5. Generator
10.6. Starter
10.7. Switch (lock) of ignition
10.8. Electronic control system of the engine (ESUD)
10.9. Ignition system
10.10. Lighting, light and sound alarm system
10.11. Windscreen cleaner
10.12. Windscreen washer
10.13. Electrofans of system of cooling of the engine
10.14. Electric motor of the fan of system of heating (conditioning) and salon ventilation
10.15. Heating system of back glass
10.16. Removal and installation of the boss of the lighter
10.17. Combination of devices
10.18. Replacement of switches of the dashboard
10.19. Automobile audiosystem
10.20. Replacement of sensors and switches
11. Body
12. Appendices
13. Electric equipment schemes



10.4.6. Removal and installation of the storage battery

It be required to you: keys «on 10», «on 13».
1. Open a cowl.
2. A key «on 10» weaken an inhaling of a nut of a coupling bolt of a tip...
3.... also remove a wire from the minus plug of the storage battery.
4. A key «on 10» weaken an inhaling of a nut of a coupling bolt of a tip...
5.... also disconnect a wire from the plus plug of the storage battery.
6. A key «on 13» turn out a bolt of fastening of a clamping level of the storage battery...
7.... also remove a level.
8. Shift the storage battery to the left to deduce its right edge from under wing otbortovka, and remove the battery from the car.
9. Establish the storage battery as it should be, the return to removal. Before connection of wires smooth out plugs of the battery and internal surfaces of tips of wires a fine-grained emery paper. Connect wires as it should be, the return to removal, observing polarity. After connection of wires to plugs put on tips of wires and open surfaces of plugs a thin layer of Litol-24 greasing or similar (medesoderzhashchy current-carrying greasings are most preferable).

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10.4.5. Check of degree of a zaryazhennost of the storage battery
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10.4.7. Charging of the storage battery