10.3.5. Removal and installation of the block of the relay and safety locks of electrofans of system of coolingIt be required to you: a key «on 10», a pricker or a thin screw-driver with a flat edge.
1. Disconnect a wire from the minus plug of the storage battery.
2. Unscrew a nut of fastening of the block to an arm on the left mudguard of the engine...
3.... also remove the block from an arm.
4. Wring out a clamp of the bottom cover of the block and uncover.
5. A pricker or a thin screw-driver with a flat edge wring out clamps of plugs of electroconducting, take plugs with wires from the assembly block and remove the assembly block from the car.
Good advice
Mark plugs not to mix at installation of the new assembly block.
6. Establish the block of the relay and safety locks of electrofans of system of cooling as it should be, the return to removal.