5.8.3. Replacement of maslosjemny capsExternal sign of wear of maslosjemny caps is short-term emergence of a blue smoke from an exhaust pipe after start-up of the engine and when braking by the engine after long movement under loading. Thus the constant dymleniye usually is not observed. Indirect signs — the increased consumption of oil in the absence of external leaks and greasy electrodes of spark plugs.
To replace maslosjemny caps it is possible, without removing from the engine a head of the block of cylinders, but it is very labor-consuming and for this purpose it is necessary to possess certain skills.
Therefore we recommend to replace maslosjemny caps on the removed head of the block.
... the adaptation for compression of springs of valves...
... and the adaptation for removal and installation of maslosjemny caps.
3. Establish on a block head the adaptation for compression of springs of valves, having fixed it for a nut screwed on a hairpin of fastening of a yoke, as is shown in a photo.
4. Establish under the "rassukharivayemy" valve a support, compress a spring and take out from a plate of a spring crackers.
5. Remove the top plate of a spring of the valve...
6.... and spring.
7. The special adaptation remove a maslosjemny cap.
The Maslosjemny cap is executed for a single whole with the bottom plate of a spring of the valve.
8. Grease an internal surface of a maslosjemny cap with engine oil, advance a cap on a valve core to the directing plug and in pressing of fingers put on a cap the plug against the stop.
New maslosjemny caps establish only hands without opravka application. Attempt напрессовать through an opravka a hammer will inevitably lead a cap to its damage.
9. Establish a spring and a plate of the valve as it should be, the return to removal. Establish crackers by means of the adaptation so that they rose in pro-points of a core of the valve. After installation of crackers strike with a hammer through a metal core on a valve end face that crackers sat down on a place.
If the crackers established with a distortion remain unrecorded, at rassukharivshiysya engine start-up the valve will fail in the cylinder that will lead to serious failure of the engine.
10. Similarly replace maslosjemny caps of other valves.
Laying of a head of the block of cylinders surely replace new.
12. Establish all earlier removed details of the gas-distributing mechanism (see. «Replacement of a tension of a belt of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism and its tension roller»).