5.14.3. Pressure decrease in a power supply system
Fuel is in a power supply system under a high pressure therefore it is forbidden to weaken connections топливопроводов in operating time of the engine or right after its stop. For work on power supply system repair on just stopped engine it is necessary to reduce previously pressure of fuel in a power supply system. In 5–6 h after an engine stop pressure of fuel will fall in a power supply system practically to zero.
1. Establish the transmission lever in neutral situation and brake the car the parking brake.
2. Switch off ignition, open a cowl and establish it on an emphasis.
3. Disconnect a wire from the minus plug of the storage battery.
5. Disconnect a block of a plait of wires from the fuel module.
6. Connect a wire to the minus plug of the storage battery.
7. Start up the engine and let's to it work before complete production of fuel from a fuel stage. After that the engine will decay.
8. Switch off ignition. Now it is possible to separate топливопроводы.